Beef Haiku Daily

This is a website
which attests to the greatness
of beef as a meat.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Beef Haiku #39

The Gristle believes he has the answer to Steak Winslet's beef-pleating quandary.

Beef origami?
It needn'’t be difficult.
I tenderize first.

N.B. We received this offering in an email entitled 'meat jousting'. I find the idea of replying in kind to another artist's poetry strangely beautiful and appealing. I look forward with anticipation to my first Haiku argument.


  • At 11:13 PM, Blogger Birdy said…

    I miss my daily meat injection. How is the bovine calender shaping up?

  • At 9:50 PM, Blogger Captain Beefheart said…

    Shhh... I am in hiding. Christmas is a bad time on the farm.


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